Sunken civilizations, inhabited by fearsome creatures and forgotten, devout cultures subdued by eons of tectonic and oceanic chaos. Architeuthis Rex (the monicker used by the italian artist Antonio Galluci) does it best to manifest all these obscure dreamworlds evoked by the immensity of the sea, in which bizarre entities come back to life.
Heavy & Experimental Music in general, Movies, Upcoming Shows, personal stuff, and anything I find interesting will be posted here. Taking requests too (comment box down below).
The name of the blog comes from the Nurse With Wound album's subtitle, Shipwreck Radio Vol 1 and 2 (Seven Sonic Structures of Utvær and Eight Enigmatic Structures of Utvær), it's also a small inhabited Norwegian island located to the northwest of the country, in the municipality of Solund.
In most cases I'll provide the best as possible quality I can get, along with a link to order the album(s). Always remember to support the music you enjoy.
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